Watch Free 🎦 Resident Alien (Season 1)

S1.E1 - Pilot

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Released: 2021
Creator: Chris Sheridan
Starring: Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds
A crash-landed alien takes on the identity of a small-town Colorado doctor and slowly begins to wrestle with the moral dilemma of his secret mission on Earth.
Movies list

S1.E2 - Homesick

S1.E3 - Secrets

S1.E4 - Birds of a Feather

S1.E5 - Love Language

S1.E6 - Sexy Beast

S1.E7 - The Green Glow

S1.E8 - End of the World as We Know It

S1.E9 - Welcome Aliens

S1.E10 - Heroes of Patience