Watch Free 🎦 Star Trek: Discovery (Season 4)

S4.E1 - Kobayashi Maru

Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Released: 2021-2022
Creators: Bryan Fuller, Alex Kurtzman
Starring: Sonequa Martin-Green, Anthony Rapp, Doug Jones
Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien.
Movies list

S4.E2 - Anomaly

S4.E3 - Choose to Live

S4.E4 - All Is Possible

S4.E5 - The Examples

S4.E6 - Stormy Weather

S4.E7 - ...But to Connect

S4.E8 - All In

S4.E9 - Rubicon

S4.E10 - The Galactic Barrier

S4.E11 - Rosetta

S4.E12 - Species Ten-C

S4.E13 - Coming Home