Watch Free 🎦 War of the Worlds (Season 1)

S1.E1 - Episode 1

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Released: 2019
Creator: Howard Overman
Starring: Léa Drucker, Gabriel Byrne, Bayo Gbadamosi
Set in contemporary France, this Anglo-French reimagining of H. G. Wells' classic in the style of Walking Dead follows pockets of survivors forced to team up after an apocalyptic extra-terrestrial strike.
Movies list

S1.E2 - Episode 2

S1.E3 - Episode 3

S1.E4 - Episode 4

S1.E5 - Episode 5

S1.E6 - Episode 6

S1.E7 - Episode 7

S1.E8 - Episode 8